Eamon Charles Lowe : Things to Keep in Mind Before Investing in Real Estate
Real Estate has less liquidity as compared to most other investments. Ace property developer Eamon Charles Lowe says that if you’re thinking of investing, you must make sure that you’ve undertaken extensive research before making a purchase. There are mistakes and then there are mistakes, the effects of which can’t be undone. So, don’t invest before you’re sure that no costly mistakes have been or will be committed. Here are the top three things you must do: Check Your Finances Firstly, the present and future cash flows must be considered. Then, take into account all loans that need to be repaid before procuring any further loan. Check the Seller’s Background Once you’ve made your decision about investing in a particular property, do a background check of the seller. If it is an individual seller, verify his identity and title documents. Verify all Approvals Under the Real Estate Regulatory Authority guidelines, all developers have to register their project with the entity....